Montag, 11. Februar 2008
Antonio Pessoa
Antonio Pessoa Perception Nothing is ever too much,nothing is ever too universal,nothing is ever too wonderful when it comes the time for any art lover to enter Antonio Pessoa's world of Perception,Art,Poetry and Awareness. As in the final countdown,his life has developed the wildest ride of a thrilling cyclone roller coaster,pleasure mixed with Blues,quickly become a firm creative power,one of those that turns you upside-down.If you don't know what it is like to really live on the edge,then take my good advice and start reading all you can about Antonio Pessoa,the most brilliant and thrilling adventure of today's contemporary art scene.Fact! All reviews and information about the artist are essentially a breathtaking unique biography,mixing chills with fun,mixing art with life itself. Danger,passion,intense emotions,blues and Opera,Comedy and Drama,are the face of one of the world's most spectacular cutting edge artists. PERCEPTION? Find the answer to this question and millions more,in this enjoyably dark,yet still very sensual and romantic lifestyle. Straight right up to the tension filled final of every of his artistic and real-life performances,when he will have you on the edge of your emotional box. Perception,acrylic on canvas,Antonio Pessoa 2007,is unquestionably a result of many years of studio art action experience,research and reflection,a brilliant colorful abstract painting where the viewer is face to face with images propagating amazing waves of colors,light and sound being pleasantly thrown to the eye and our senses right from the canvas surface. One of the most charming artworks of Pessoa's 2007 art collection,Perception has that special buzz of excitment,rapid vibration,motion and strong visual impact,yet it's soothing something projects almost a healing energy for mind,body and the eye,inspiring poetic sensations of pure organic fountains,plus that chromatic quality in the whole of its exuberant,abstract,sensuously radiant affinities of colors and symbols. Expressing a new vision and a totally new artistic vocabulary,Perception has that abstract expressionism unique lyrical style,nevertheless also clearly influenced by surrealism,conceptual art,yet never missing the futurism artistic design Pessoa is so fond of,thereby creating that linear decorative dynamic impact,plus a reaction leading to subjective and entirely free interpretation. Regardless of his increasing artistic skills and striking creativeness,Antonio Pessoa becomes more and more popular mainly for his unique lifestyle and his inner-self personal achievements,acquiring world-renown prestige and wide credibility,through the stimulating and rewarding process of how to unlock his full potential for striking artistic performance,personal success and a high quality professional level,becoming his international autograph,the significance of how his impressive fast self-improvement in all areas and attitudes has indeed accelerated his echoing reputation as a fully commited spiritual guide,expert,let alone his highly-respected artistic vision,inner and universal Perception. Paying tribute to him and in faithful recognition of his multiple achievements,close friends,collaborators,art critics,clients,art collectors and soul mates of the fine art trade,now frequently honor him with a natural awestruck approach and genuine admiration. Entering his studio,very often demanding his wise advice,show us clearly how so many people enjoy being in the realms of his glowing positive energy,happy,free,safe and at ease before his charismatic and charming manner in which Pessoa's ambiguous relation with life,people and the Universe,translates a highly advanced Perception,making obvious that living feeling alive is not a special gift or a way of going through life,but actually the only one. Perception,the dream of life creativeness as outcome of Antonio Pessoa's number one priority,it starts in the character of a solid experienced artist,reinforced through daily research in all areas with inspiring enthusiasm,attracting affection,love and respect among all his friends,collaborators and public in general. If indeed Pessoa is helplessly becoming a inevitable life coach,that's not what's at stake right now,for most importantly is the fact he is becoming one of the most inspiring art wizards of today's art scene. Antonio Pessoa's Perception creates clarity and eliminates doubt,invents a higher level of positive motivation,his confidence in himself and in his abilities grow,the artist actually sees what he can be! Often,the hardest thing about visioning is actually having the Perception of what we want to bring into existence can actually be accomplished. To really make it happen,and he sure does,Pessoa supersedes his own doubts and has a sense of certainty that what he wants can be accomplished. The artist on his vision has a faith in Perception that is greater than his fears and it's willing to open his mind to see beyond the confines of what he is facing today.Remarkable,indeed! Antonio Pessoa Trial by Fire Once again the artist delivers the ultimate thrill,as we all look genuinely awestruck before one more It's Hard to Believe sort of challenge,through which the art creator's puzzling experiments insist in preparing us yet for another public Watchout session.Fair enough. What is this all about,after all,you may ask.Let me explain. Commited himself to the achievement os self- development all areas highest levels,Antonio Pessoa combines information...or should I say,Knowlrdge ...from multiple resources,thereby getting instant access to this fascinating dimension of living magic and most importantly to this highly effective mind power multilateral expertise. Emerging across all the information available,the artist's determination and traditional straightforwardness seem to be once again tough enough to track the whole of this advanced tutorials,leaving us to absolutely expect the upcoming high-impact all this wisdom structure and mastery are going to have in his private life,art performance,lifestyle and most importantly in his public projection,as the paradigmatic entrepreneur artist of our times and obviously as the new generation great communicator. Getting ready to indeed operate a daring new artistic enterprise and worldwide venture,Pessoa inevitably assumes a great deal of accountability for the inherent risks,setbacks,stand bys,ins and outs and general obstacles,definitely a scary process ( not for all ) where getting accurate valuable advice and cutting edge information never seems to be enough in the new start-up stage of his current and coming soon king-sized challenges where sharing his responsibilities and vision with his collaborators international team definitely requires a proficiently advanced How- To immediate decision making skills,where his mind tools productive effectiveness will be unquestionably on Trial by Fire! Taking a good look at the tools,modus operandi,and processes Antonio Pessoa continually uses in his rich and colorful day to day life,we helplessly can't resist to get a glimpse into the artist's life latest news,always expecting the next episode to be far more striking and exciting than the ones before. People from all over Europe and United States write to me telling us they indeed do spend a lot of time researching and reading about the artist's methods,deliciously grabbed and entertained by how he systematically manages to get off to a new blazing start just about to a always unexpected new series of brilliant and satisfying conclusions,as one of the art scene world's most unique,amusing and amazing on-going profiles. The extent to which Pessoa exhibits various and interesting characteristics,provides us with sufficient visibility to fully understand his increasing degree of positive exposure to public notice.Fact. Therefore,extinguishing the fire with a calm spell seems to be right now the hardest accomplishment for anyone within the artist's friends circle. Besides,anyway,nobody seems to have no reasons to actually wish that to happen. Slowly but surely turned on by the tempting idea of living feeling today everything is possible,even his wildest dreams,Antonio Pessoa uses his mind's full potential to wish things to happen and surprise,surprise,fact is that then they actually do. However there is after all the secret,the special trick,which enables the artist to deal with challenges he has to face,by astonishingly quadrupling his vision,knowledge,meeting the goal achievement proper balance with his traditional rock-solid determination to make the seemingly impossible a now-reality. Sensitive,selective,fast and accurate,the artist faithfully keeps on following a truly effective method,which unfortunately for most of us,strange as it seems,remains a one million dollars secret! No doubt Pessoa must have enough good reasons to have entitled this painting "Trial by Fire ".Pure abstract art,caughts the eye of the viewer,regardless the message or meaning,however as we all become more and more familiarized with the content-intent of this particular artwork,which is after all,and most important of all,the mirror reflecting the powerful heart and soul of a life veteran sort of artist,once again stubbornly committed to change his mind's orientation,a current challenging issue which has clearly shown itself to be by now a striking method both proficient and highly effective in all areas and in every step of the way. Banking on proving to himself and to the world that beyond the boundaries of conscious self- evaluation,of conscious global awareness,there is an endless wealthy empire of possibilities,we so very often can't make out,lost through our own mismanagement of our own inner potential scenario,Antonio Pessoa records in " Trial by Fire " the expanded universe available to anyone willing to spend a reasonable full time research aiming at reaching a level of global expertise,the fuel of a dynamic and happy life,wealthy innovations and new ways of viewing the world through self-growth,after all the magical counselling therapy providing a lucid,original and effective practical guide to how accomplish our most cinematic dreams taking off from the deep valuable resources of our inner mind. "Trial by Fire" definitely doesn't pretend to suggest doubt about this high-efficiency method,however clearly points out that the golden results basically depend on absolute true passion,daily focusing,solid motivation,a patient step by step mind fitness plan,an increasing magnitude unbreakable perspective and a whole lot of multiple positive intentions,the ultimate goal setting made easy. Pessoa couldn't have chosen a better title for this mountains beyond mountains of research and observation endless miles and miles and miles to cross,climb and crawl,indeed a Trial by Fire,engaged in fierce emotional tournaments and daring journeys bound to where the glowing pot is placed,solving ancient mysteries hidden in plain sight from our perception,knowledge and wise mindset awareness. This painting once again rises an impressive new set of questions. First and most important of all,is Antonio Pessoa going to pass this stiff examination entitled "Trial by Fire"? We all believe he will,despite also acknowledging that arriving safe and sound at the shining palace at the end of the long and winding road,it's not going to be a twelve minute extravaganza of boiling fun. A mission impossible or a successful accomplishment? I would rather emphasize a mission accomplishment as an already now-reality fact,running like a well-oiled machine. However the big challenge is out there,waiting for an artist willing to be playing with fire,by the book and by the rules,a free trial available for anyone,nevertheless a tough enough match only the brave players can undertake when it comes the time to jump into the titanic overwhelming arena of the Trial by Fire! Antonio Pessoa Colors Update Pessoa stains on watercolor paper,both generously or feverishly adding water to the tissue,following the spontaneous instructions of his experienced intuition. His untouchable imaginative endeavour,makes his fine art activity an effortless almost unconscious undertaking,apparently with no doubts about the whole art action enterprise,whatsoever. His quality work is thereby delivered and accomplished by miracle,showing us once again clear evidences of his privileged gift he gracefully received and gratefully developed and improved through this well-known systematic exceptional working method and highly professional attitude. Enchanting the world with his inmitable visual flavours,colorful motions by projecting his peculiar dynamic kaleidoscope of pure contemporary poetry,Pessoa provides us with this pleasant artistic metaphysics,visual literature where elemental beauty of adventurous power of invention leave art lovers deliciously dazzled by the mastery through which he artistically speaks his mind as his work becomes more and more notorious like something truly magical in today's contemporary art scene. From a modern critical standpoint,Antonio Pessoa has indeed this unique capacity to make us see things that aren't actually there,that completely high level when the viewer awakens suddenly and contemplates the awesome abstract nature of inspired combinated creative cutting edge. It's work and play,flowing from one idea to another as he walks us through the multiple artistic possibilities,not only the quality evidence of a life's work but a rather original style,powerfully magnetic,intensive and new. Ups and downs,ins and outs,don't seem to be able to stop the artist,let alone take his burning fire away.No stormy Monday,foggy Twesday or rainy day seem to be capable to put his fire off,neither thunderstorming,freezing or snowing events or even setbacks,seem to succeed to list him among the lost stars. If it's true that vulgarity begins when imagination succumbs to the explicit,then Antonio Pessoa's burning flame fading out is definitely out of question. Back in business after a good night sleep,no matter what's at stake,no matter what it takes,the Show must go on for today's visual arts most adventurous and dynamic entertainer. Even feeling quite often a bit burned out by pressure and life in general,Pessoa's trained pro- life attitude grants him what seems to be indeed a life time heavenly Guardian Angel assistance,a whole great amount of vital positive energy,showing him the way and lead his project in full swing with the hot fusion of mind power daily updates. Therefore,COLORS UPDATE,watercolor and acrylic on watercolor paper,Antonio Pessoa 2007,now it sure seems like it was an accurate predicability of the on-going art action and visual results of the making of an impressive collection of cutting edge mixed media artworks on watercolor tissue and most importantly using a true revolutionary method in the art of painting,which essential characteristics is the magical experience of the color stains taking spontaneous and absolute control plus cellular autonomy of the art action,just as in one of those amazing Walt Disney best of productions animation fiction wonders.Can you believe it? The art studio wizard is back in business,a paradigmatic inspired fine artist performing a striking number of art magic ...or should I say ...contemporary witchcraft? What do you know!Optical illusions appear on the watercolor wet tissues,exhibiting a breathtaking fairy magic fantasy festival . Art reviews heralding "welcome back to the art studio,Antonio Pessoa,sure thing,the place where you definitely do belong." Breaking news never seemed to be so easy,breaking news never seemed to be so fulfilling,breaking news never seemed to be so exciting,sensational,rewarding,delicious and magical. The art studio wizard at work shows us inevitably once again a truly special profecy of contemporary art current-upcoming cutting edge,as time goes by and the show must go on,and it does,it's definitely a Must,Must,Must flash point art performance,a Must elated blissed-out phenomenon! Freeze,read my lips and mark my words,one has actually got to see it to believe it. Pessoa opens his studio doors for his faithful,best and closest friends,the only ones allowed to enter the cathedral of contemporary fine art and thereby witness live and ablaze,a landscape of chaotically displayed dozens and dozens of watercolor tissues all over the floor,miraculous visions on top of other textured multicolored victorious artistic wonders. Theoretically and apparently one could come up with the possibility of an artist working chaotically,which isn't definitely what is happening. Colors in the air,that's more like it,up they go and next thing you know they are fast landing in artland,it's best to get down quickly,for red,yellow,orange,brown,black and blue color pigments are flying all over the place like party decorations gone mad,precisely when time awareness seems to have been suspended,sense of reality expired and the artistic madness now hitting us hard,nevertheless too late to warn us how deliciously crazy we can go standing before Antonio Pessoa's art action glowing exuberance and original style extending well beyond the inherited tradition of reasonable self-contained art making.Too much of too much,believe me. Much more than simply a Colors Update,the artist's effortless studio live shows,leave us no doubts of how far into artistic mastery he has already gone,and a clear clue of how his strikingly spectacular upcoming special effects aesthetic achievements are unquestionably going to hit the highest possible standards of quality contemporary art,surely bound to inspire not only the new generation of talented emerging artists but also today's art collectors special recognition of his creative skills and top of the line awesome artistic accomplishments.
Antonio Pessoa Perception Nothing is ever too much,nothing is ever too universal,nothing is ever too wonderful when it comes the time for any art lover to enter Antonio Pessoa's world of Perception,Art,Poetry and Awareness. As in the final countdown,his life has developed the wildest ride of a thrilling cyclone roller coaster,pleasure mixed with Blues,quickly become a firm creative power,one of those that turns you upside-down.If you don't know what it is like to really live on the edge,then take my good advice and start reading all you can about Antonio Pessoa,the most brilliant and thrilling adventure of today's contemporary art scene.Fact! All reviews and information about the artist are essentially a breathtaking unique biography,mixing chills with fun,mixing art with life itself. Danger,passion,intense emotions,blues and Opera,Comedy and Drama,are the face of one of the world's most spectacular cutting edge artists. PERCEPTION? Find the answer to this question and millions more,in this enjoyably dark,yet still very sensual and romantic lifestyle. Straight right up to the tension filled final of every of his artistic and real-life performances,when he will have you on the edge of your emotional box. Perception,acrylic on canvas,Antonio Pessoa 2007,is unquestionably a result of many years of studio art action experience,research and reflection,a brilliant colorful abstract painting where the viewer is face to face with images propagating amazing waves of colors,light and sound being pleasantly thrown to the eye and our senses right from the canvas surface. One of the most charming artworks of Pessoa's 2007 art collection,Perception has that special buzz of excitment,rapid vibration,motion and strong visual impact,yet it's soothing something projects almost a healing energy for mind,body and the eye,inspiring poetic sensations of pure organic fountains,plus that chromatic quality in the whole of its exuberant,abstract,sensuously radiant affinities of colors and symbols. Expressing a new vision and a totally new artistic vocabulary,Perception has that abstract expressionism unique lyrical style,nevertheless also clearly influenced by surrealism,conceptual art,yet never missing the futurism artistic design Pessoa is so fond of,thereby creating that linear decorative dynamic impact,plus a reaction leading to subjective and entirely free interpretation. Regardless of his increasing artistic skills and striking creativeness,Antonio Pessoa becomes more and more popular mainly for his unique lifestyle and his inner-self personal achievements,acquiring world-renown prestige and wide credibility,through the stimulating and rewarding process of how to unlock his full potential for striking artistic performance,personal success and a high quality professional level,becoming his international autograph,the significance of how his impressive fast self-improvement in all areas and attitudes has indeed accelerated his echoing reputation as a fully commited spiritual guide,expert,let alone his highly-respected artistic vision,inner and universal Perception. Paying tribute to him and in faithful recognition of his multiple achievements,close friends,collaborators,art critics,clients,art collectors and soul mates of the fine art trade,now frequently honor him with a natural awestruck approach and genuine admiration. Entering his studio,very often demanding his wise advice,show us clearly how so many people enjoy being in the realms of his glowing positive energy,happy,free,safe and at ease before his charismatic and charming manner in which Pessoa's ambiguous relation with life,people and the Universe,translates a highly advanced Perception,making obvious that living feeling alive is not a special gift or a way of going through life,but actually the only one. Perception,the dream of life creativeness as outcome of Antonio Pessoa's number one priority,it starts in the character of a solid experienced artist,reinforced through daily research in all areas with inspiring enthusiasm,attracting affection,love and respect among all his friends,collaborators and public in general. If indeed Pessoa is helplessly becoming a inevitable life coach,that's not what's at stake right now,for most importantly is the fact he is becoming one of the most inspiring art wizards of today's art scene. Antonio Pessoa's Perception creates clarity and eliminates doubt,invents a higher level of positive motivation,his confidence in himself and in his abilities grow,the artist actually sees what he can be! Often,the hardest thing about visioning is actually having the Perception of what we want to bring into existence can actually be accomplished. To really make it happen,and he sure does,Pessoa supersedes his own doubts and has a sense of certainty that what he wants can be accomplished. The artist on his vision has a faith in Perception that is greater than his fears and it's willing to open his mind to see beyond the confines of what he is facing today.Remarkable,indeed! Antonio Pessoa Trial by Fire Once again the artist delivers the ultimate thrill,as we all look genuinely awestruck before one more It's Hard to Believe sort of challenge,through which the art creator's puzzling experiments insist in preparing us yet for another public Watchout session.Fair enough. What is this all about,after all,you may ask.Let me explain. Commited himself to the achievement os self- development all areas highest levels,Antonio Pessoa combines information...or should I say,Knowlrdge ...from multiple resources,thereby getting instant access to this fascinating dimension of living magic and most importantly to this highly effective mind power multilateral expertise. Emerging across all the information available,the artist's determination and traditional straightforwardness seem to be once again tough enough to track the whole of this advanced tutorials,leaving us to absolutely expect the upcoming high-impact all this wisdom structure and mastery are going to have in his private life,art performance,lifestyle and most importantly in his public projection,as the paradigmatic entrepreneur artist of our times and obviously as the new generation great communicator. Getting ready to indeed operate a daring new artistic enterprise and worldwide venture,Pessoa inevitably assumes a great deal of accountability for the inherent risks,setbacks,stand bys,ins and outs and general obstacles,definitely a scary process ( not for all ) where getting accurate valuable advice and cutting edge information never seems to be enough in the new start-up stage of his current and coming soon king-sized challenges where sharing his responsibilities and vision with his collaborators international team definitely requires a proficiently advanced How- To immediate decision making skills,where his mind tools productive effectiveness will be unquestionably on Trial by Fire! Taking a good look at the tools,modus operandi,and processes Antonio Pessoa continually uses in his rich and colorful day to day life,we helplessly can't resist to get a glimpse into the artist's life latest news,always expecting the next episode to be far more striking and exciting than the ones before. People from all over Europe and United States write to me telling us they indeed do spend a lot of time researching and reading about the artist's methods,deliciously grabbed and entertained by how he systematically manages to get off to a new blazing start just about to a always unexpected new series of brilliant and satisfying conclusions,as one of the art scene world's most unique,amusing and amazing on-going profiles. The extent to which Pessoa exhibits various and interesting characteristics,provides us with sufficient visibility to fully understand his increasing degree of positive exposure to public notice.Fact. Therefore,extinguishing the fire with a calm spell seems to be right now the hardest accomplishment for anyone within the artist's friends circle. Besides,anyway,nobody seems to have no reasons to actually wish that to happen. Slowly but surely turned on by the tempting idea of living feeling today everything is possible,even his wildest dreams,Antonio Pessoa uses his mind's full potential to wish things to happen and surprise,surprise,fact is that then they actually do. However there is after all the secret,the special trick,which enables the artist to deal with challenges he has to face,by astonishingly quadrupling his vision,knowledge,meeting the goal achievement proper balance with his traditional rock-solid determination to make the seemingly impossible a now-reality. Sensitive,selective,fast and accurate,the artist faithfully keeps on following a truly effective method,which unfortunately for most of us,strange as it seems,remains a one million dollars secret! No doubt Pessoa must have enough good reasons to have entitled this painting "Trial by Fire ".Pure abstract art,caughts the eye of the viewer,regardless the message or meaning,however as we all become more and more familiarized with the content-intent of this particular artwork,which is after all,and most important of all,the mirror reflecting the powerful heart and soul of a life veteran sort of artist,once again stubbornly committed to change his mind's orientation,a current challenging issue which has clearly shown itself to be by now a striking method both proficient and highly effective in all areas and in every step of the way. Banking on proving to himself and to the world that beyond the boundaries of conscious self- evaluation,of conscious global awareness,there is an endless wealthy empire of possibilities,we so very often can't make out,lost through our own mismanagement of our own inner potential scenario,Antonio Pessoa records in " Trial by Fire " the expanded universe available to anyone willing to spend a reasonable full time research aiming at reaching a level of global expertise,the fuel of a dynamic and happy life,wealthy innovations and new ways of viewing the world through self-growth,after all the magical counselling therapy providing a lucid,original and effective practical guide to how accomplish our most cinematic dreams taking off from the deep valuable resources of our inner mind. "Trial by Fire" definitely doesn't pretend to suggest doubt about this high-efficiency method,however clearly points out that the golden results basically depend on absolute true passion,daily focusing,solid motivation,a patient step by step mind fitness plan,an increasing magnitude unbreakable perspective and a whole lot of multiple positive intentions,the ultimate goal setting made easy. Pessoa couldn't have chosen a better title for this mountains beyond mountains of research and observation endless miles and miles and miles to cross,climb and crawl,indeed a Trial by Fire,engaged in fierce emotional tournaments and daring journeys bound to where the glowing pot is placed,solving ancient mysteries hidden in plain sight from our perception,knowledge and wise mindset awareness. This painting once again rises an impressive new set of questions. First and most important of all,is Antonio Pessoa going to pass this stiff examination entitled "Trial by Fire"? We all believe he will,despite also acknowledging that arriving safe and sound at the shining palace at the end of the long and winding road,it's not going to be a twelve minute extravaganza of boiling fun. A mission impossible or a successful accomplishment? I would rather emphasize a mission accomplishment as an already now-reality fact,running like a well-oiled machine. However the big challenge is out there,waiting for an artist willing to be playing with fire,by the book and by the rules,a free trial available for anyone,nevertheless a tough enough match only the brave players can undertake when it comes the time to jump into the titanic overwhelming arena of the Trial by Fire! Antonio Pessoa Colors Update Pessoa stains on watercolor paper,both generously or feverishly adding water to the tissue,following the spontaneous instructions of his experienced intuition. His untouchable imaginative endeavour,makes his fine art activity an effortless almost unconscious undertaking,apparently with no doubts about the whole art action enterprise,whatsoever. His quality work is thereby delivered and accomplished by miracle,showing us once again clear evidences of his privileged gift he gracefully received and gratefully developed and improved through this well-known systematic exceptional working method and highly professional attitude. Enchanting the world with his inmitable visual flavours,colorful motions by projecting his peculiar dynamic kaleidoscope of pure contemporary poetry,Pessoa provides us with this pleasant artistic metaphysics,visual literature where elemental beauty of adventurous power of invention leave art lovers deliciously dazzled by the mastery through which he artistically speaks his mind as his work becomes more and more notorious like something truly magical in today's contemporary art scene. From a modern critical standpoint,Antonio Pessoa has indeed this unique capacity to make us see things that aren't actually there,that completely high level when the viewer awakens suddenly and contemplates the awesome abstract nature of inspired combinated creative cutting edge. It's work and play,flowing from one idea to another as he walks us through the multiple artistic possibilities,not only the quality evidence of a life's work but a rather original style,powerfully magnetic,intensive and new. Ups and downs,ins and outs,don't seem to be able to stop the artist,let alone take his burning fire away.No stormy Monday,foggy Twesday or rainy day seem to be capable to put his fire off,neither thunderstorming,freezing or snowing events or even setbacks,seem to succeed to list him among the lost stars. If it's true that vulgarity begins when imagination succumbs to the explicit,then Antonio Pessoa's burning flame fading out is definitely out of question. Back in business after a good night sleep,no matter what's at stake,no matter what it takes,the Show must go on for today's visual arts most adventurous and dynamic entertainer. Even feeling quite often a bit burned out by pressure and life in general,Pessoa's trained pro- life attitude grants him what seems to be indeed a life time heavenly Guardian Angel assistance,a whole great amount of vital positive energy,showing him the way and lead his project in full swing with the hot fusion of mind power daily updates. Therefore,COLORS UPDATE,watercolor and acrylic on watercolor paper,Antonio Pessoa 2007,now it sure seems like it was an accurate predicability of the on-going art action and visual results of the making of an impressive collection of cutting edge mixed media artworks on watercolor tissue and most importantly using a true revolutionary method in the art of painting,which essential characteristics is the magical experience of the color stains taking spontaneous and absolute control plus cellular autonomy of the art action,just as in one of those amazing Walt Disney best of productions animation fiction wonders.Can you believe it? The art studio wizard is back in business,a paradigmatic inspired fine artist performing a striking number of art magic ...or should I say ...contemporary witchcraft? What do you know!Optical illusions appear on the watercolor wet tissues,exhibiting a breathtaking fairy magic fantasy festival . Art reviews heralding "welcome back to the art studio,Antonio Pessoa,sure thing,the place where you definitely do belong." Breaking news never seemed to be so easy,breaking news never seemed to be so fulfilling,breaking news never seemed to be so exciting,sensational,rewarding,delicious and magical. The art studio wizard at work shows us inevitably once again a truly special profecy of contemporary art current-upcoming cutting edge,as time goes by and the show must go on,and it does,it's definitely a Must,Must,Must flash point art performance,a Must elated blissed-out phenomenon! Freeze,read my lips and mark my words,one has actually got to see it to believe it. Pessoa opens his studio doors for his faithful,best and closest friends,the only ones allowed to enter the cathedral of contemporary fine art and thereby witness live and ablaze,a landscape of chaotically displayed dozens and dozens of watercolor tissues all over the floor,miraculous visions on top of other textured multicolored victorious artistic wonders. Theoretically and apparently one could come up with the possibility of an artist working chaotically,which isn't definitely what is happening. Colors in the air,that's more like it,up they go and next thing you know they are fast landing in artland,it's best to get down quickly,for red,yellow,orange,brown,black and blue color pigments are flying all over the place like party decorations gone mad,precisely when time awareness seems to have been suspended,sense of reality expired and the artistic madness now hitting us hard,nevertheless too late to warn us how deliciously crazy we can go standing before Antonio Pessoa's art action glowing exuberance and original style extending well beyond the inherited tradition of reasonable self-contained art making.Too much of too much,believe me. Much more than simply a Colors Update,the artist's effortless studio live shows,leave us no doubts of how far into artistic mastery he has already gone,and a clear clue of how his strikingly spectacular upcoming special effects aesthetic achievements are unquestionably going to hit the highest possible standards of quality contemporary art,surely bound to inspire not only the new generation of talented emerging artists but also today's art collectors special recognition of his creative skills and top of the line awesome artistic accomplishments.
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