Antonio Pessoa
about the ArtistSubmiting a new concept to the world has always been a risky process, a labyrinth of options and alternative B plans, pertaining to unconventional choices between mutually exclusive possibilities. Once the petrification of the same old formulas becomes totally out of question, then there's no way back whatsoever and the two options left are either suicide or glory.And that's as romantic as I can afford to be when sharing and facing the artist's dilemma of to be real or not to be.
The Art magician one day wakes up just to find out and so honestly admit to himself that despite his multiple tricks somehow still manage to keep the audience in a suspense breathtaking nail-biting tension, fact is that suddenly his tricks don't mean anything to him anymore. And that sometimes can actually be the very beginning of a new period, if there's still the burning fire in the artist's heart and soul. Antonio Pessoa's New Era is the perfect example of a heart and soul, where dancing flames seem to flip-flop and fly through clouds and clouds of multicolored smoke and as when there is smoke there is fire, there is an artist who has just made up his mind determined to make sure the show must go on and this time now more eager than ever to step on the stage and turn the audience into an orgasmic crowd. Better said than done, some might claim, although while in so doing, very likely the artist is already at work and while some skepticals bystanders doubt it, very probably Antonio Pessoa's New Era might as well be by then taking off, flying and landing at the airport of recognition to receive the open arms welcome of the erudite ones who have the privilege of understanding an artistic phenomenon when they see one.
Standing before the idea of this new project of Antonio Pessoa, is just about enough to give us the breathtaking hope that indeed something unexpectedly new in the contemporary Art scene is about to happen.Fact is it already did. So let the child grow, make it asap Antonio, for all of us who have been following your career so far, we all believe it's going to turn out to be one more time into an action art performance wich certainly is going to keep us together more than ever focusing our attention span into your Art vision today.
Art lovers and Art collectors sure need something fresh and new to lean on and that's where Antonio Pessoa's New Era comes in, full of color and grace, gentle and sentimental, elegantly glamourous and powerfully avant-gardish wich now that we come to think of it verdict is that it turns out to be a formula far beyond the so called contemporary fashion average, straight towards the perfect combination of what progressive neo-futurism indeed should be. A true Art studio veteran coming back live and alive dressed up as a talented gifted absolute beginner, much more than a daring act of courage, is hereupon the herald shouting the arrival of the new century's mirror, the magical mirror wich only Art can provide, wich only Art can afford just by translating the contradictory elements of nature into the compact beauty wich only Art can accomplish. Art lovers and Art collectors, make room and make way, let us all allow Antonio Pessoa's New Era to become what it's meant to be.A brave new world of communication, intention, sensation, emotion, invention and expression.
Donnerstag, 6. September 2007
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