Donnerstag, 31. Januar 2008

Antonio Pessoa

Free !

FREE,acrylic on canvas,Antonio Pessoa 2007,is one of the hugest King-size canvases the artist painted lately.The size has nothing or little to do with the amazing meaning of this charming contemporary masterpiece,pure coincidence if you ask me,however,most importantly the current determination of a fine art veteran to turn the upcoming times into a wonderful living journey throughout a challenging self-improvement absolute discovery and total awareness intensive process,no matter how much effort and daily training and well focused involvement is going to be required in order to definitely accomplish one of the most fabulous and daring goals Pessoa has faced so far.Fact. Unlike "When the Going gets tough the Tough get going"...FREE represents not a way in but,surprise,surprise,yes indeed,a way out of the racing rush,universal gossip,art scene anxiety,controversial personal relationships,greedy art dealers manoeuvres in the dark,plus an endless list of times perverted bad seeds that year after year can knock us down to a potential checkmate situation from which only a Power Supreme might have the mighty ability and skills to come to our desperate circumstancial rescue. The artist is an artist,the artist is an artist.Where is the Big Fire anyway?Highly recommendable a distress free lifestyle and definitely no slap-bang slanderous circuits nor frozen withered old fashion concepts,for all that matters. The Show must go on,only this time with a very special savoir-faire to respond appropriately to a "sauve qui peut" sort of world we all live in and share,but also a Planet in which knowledge and wisdom are as valuable as gold and the Basic Essentials of simply how to be happy,creative,inspired,effective...and Free! Antonio Pessoa,a studio fine art veteran and a real life veteran as well,has reached a point in his general perception field where after claiming enough is enough,finds himself filled with an unbreakable,unmovable and an unstoppable determination looking straight forward to unyieldingly make the most of his life as a traditional positive-thinker and in so doing get down to seriously exorcise malicious software and incompatible demons,a complete removal program aiming high rather than big,aiming the home made happiness and freedom package rather than hanging out with the whimpering wishy-washy distant dark dundgeon regulars. FREE is one long story,current and upcoming fascinating episodes of a up the Hill of a self Glory alpinism odyssey,climbing light,fast and high up a wonder route of art,human,communication aesthetics where universal awareness comes up as the perfect Guardian Angel,the Uni Master of wide intuition and creative emotional intelligence. Live and Let Live-oriented,Pessoa calls for a brand-new experience drawing and painting his own destiny with the very same inventive precision and innovative living measurements as his remarkable art performance. On the whole,given all these basic clues we are definitely talking about one valuable beautiful issue.Freedom! As in Art,and everything else he's been involved in,steady-going Antonio Pessoa steadfastly progresses towards the Supreme Heights of Freedom,inner Power and Universal Mind.Words and Facts! Surely this mastery excellence will be hard won,however the already visible and most importantly rewarding fulfilling results have by now become a part of the artist's universe,moreover it sure seems with amazing increasing fast improvement as the days turn into moonlit nights and this awesome fantastic eclectic world keeps spinning round and round. This super model of Western Mysticism puts the spell on the artist as the heavens open their vistas to the uttermost limits of Freedom! Body and Mind deep relaxation allow the thoughts flow run in a special spontaneous effortless effective manner and after a short while subconscious surfing turns out to be an overwhelming soul-searching process,consequently an abundant source of magnificent references and bright ideas,originating an overflow of inspiration which lives and multiplies giving birth to the so called and so much expected state of total awareness. No effort whatsoever.Pessoa knows by now that all the clear answers and solutions solving once and for all life's controversial complexity,live within the inner reservoir as genius substances willing to come all out in the open field of total perception,enlightening and stimulating emotional intelligence,intuition,creativity,artistic performance and personal well-being.Free!! Through with art scene stressful living for good,Antonio Pessoa's Mind tools responses with extreme reliable punctuality,delivering right on schedule and right on the cool spot,step-by-step valuable instructions,a new outlook of life,easy,clear and bright visualization. Trance Hypnosis fantastically has the means and the tools to process a real asap download of total awareness,wise discernment and new solutions updates,a lifetime free trial of experiencing the wonder of continuous Mind-Body rejuvenating,high quality artistic intuition,effective real life entrepeneurism power enabled,inspiration and most importantly a ever lasting pleasurable sensation of solid togetherness,self-realization,Freedom! As days go by,Antonio Pessoa as always lately,uses Cosmic Cognition to set up the stage of his living standards,destiny and priorities. As a proficient psychotherapist,Pessoa uses the individual formula approaching self- psychotherapy with his peculiar,ourstanding,traditional auto- sufficiency,establishing a steadfast self- improvement program in order to quickly implement a rematkable Mind-Power and practical efficiency,both in his personal life and in his art action performance and career. No wonder that an iron-determination man such as Pessoa,used to continuously overcome big challenges obstacles sooner rather than later and consequently accomplish titanic goals,planning ahead,"savor-faire"improvising,knowing exactly what to do next,smashing procrastination by breaking it into pieces,focusing his mind to give birth to brainstorm ideas,being systematically a positive-thinker no matter what's at stake,plus his enormous capacity to visualize upcoming complex situations,specific and artistic,measurable,adjustable,realistic and absolutely time-related...Antonio Pessoa once again goes for his dreams,switching options,wisely recreating his life,I would even dare to state skillfully talented in the expertise of realizing and therefore enhancing his true potential,the amazing potential of turning any of his wildest dreams into everyday reality. Pessoa's reknown will power has always been the main source and force,the inner power which throughout the years has made possible for the artist to systematically attain his goals overcoming every obstacle that was standing in his way. That's why Pessoa is the artist that he is,that's why the artist became the wisdom legend man cool and easy living on the fast track of his fascinating cinematic life. Paintings such as "Night Gospel","Cosmic Cognition","Close Wits","Night Wits","Universal" and of course,FREE,show us clearly Pessoa's growing commitment to the self- psycotherapy,moreover a total involvement with subconscious research and the Mind-Power science. All these resources,inner information,on the whole all this Mind network research program and challenging process,are obviously leading the artist towards a fantastic universe of perception,wisdom,knowledge and global awareness,already suggesting publicly a new profile of the artist and most importantly a new relationship with himself,art,life,friends,human condition and the world we live in. Pessoa's latest artworks already reflecting this self-discovery related to the Super Mind subconscious endless possibilities,to the deep inner-self almost virtual communities letting out in the open flying spheres of awesome revelations,enlightenment,spiritual comfort and happiness. FREE,the painting is after all Antonio Pessoa's concept of absolute Freedom,redefining his life,art performance and everything else for a new spiritual envolving dimension,a world where the time is now and the evaluation of the material art scene begins to project a different global perception,suggesting a new analysis results and thereby generating an innovative psychospiritual content to the general outlook of social public life and art market,meaning a conscious evolution towards a mind hosting where everything is touchable while the soul becomes a valuable treasure,untouchable. Magnificent and Supreme!Mark my words. FREE,more than just a fine art lovely masterpiece,is becoming rather a true odyssey across the untroubled Kingdom of Universal Awareness,across the realms of infinite time,across the universe of daily awakening and global perception. When the Sound of Silence,becomes the sound of soft charming Free Jazz tunes,that's when the Mind Power system disconnects from the frustrating absurdity and returns to the nothingness sweet abstraction,where everything makes perfect sense again,where Phoenix once again rises from the Ashes,more and more the enigmatic legend ready for a new comeback,with a new belief,probably with a brand-new look and definitely with a new humanitarian positive power. Antonio Pessoa during the making of FREE already knew what was at stake,a priority sometimes awkward challenge however at last a wonderful long rewarding journey throughout a crossword puzzle of transparent ambivalences destined to fade out in the very same proportion of the spiritual guidance angels arrival. Fine art wizard,psychotherapist or even the New Era spiritual Guru,Pessoa's only option is following the voice of Truth Supreme,definitely bound up with the fortunes of a great lifestyle,inner-self,contemporary art enterprise,devoted to his deepest beliefs and wrapped up in the Universe of Freedom! When acceptance becomes a delicious routine,patience is no longer required.However it takes time,time and perserverance in order to open the natural virtual doors of the subconscious. The persisting repeating behavior based on the worldwide known quote Practice Makes Perfect,might and actually is the perfect model. It's not an easy task,although once the subconscious population spring up on the Mind's periphery,swallowing the surrounding negative interferences and the first trenches of resistence,that is unquestionably the very beginning of the close encounters with the awesome and rewarding inner Mind wisdom provider universe. RELAX - After the conclusion of Night Gospel and Night Wits,Pessoa,far from being satisfied with his subconscious Mind explorer results,stubbornly keeps on trying to break through the solid interferences ring right in front of his Special Night subconscious Mind revelations Show Opera House. The first attempts to escape from the art scene nine to five pressures and Europe-America art dealers continuous demands by simply disconnect and enter once and for all in the Temple of Wisdom as he loves to call it,thereby to experience the first encounters with the Guardian Angels of the subconscious Twilight Zone...left him if not down to the ground disappointed at least,so it seems from very reliable sources,including his cook,house keeper and the all time faithful butler,still miles and miles and miles and miles away from the burning desired rewarding sensation of awakening fulfillment and total enlightenment,the artist has stipulated as his priority number one these days,meaning right now. Pessoa reports he is actually using one thousand and one methods in order to enable the auto disconnect feature before he falls asleep to let him much more at ease therefore a whole lot more receptive to receive favorably the blessing from the Lord of the dimlit subconscious Mind . Before the urgent commitment turned into frustration,let alone desperation,the artist organizes multiple eclectic mental tricky programs aiming for a coming soon advanced contact with the depths of the inner-self where he is absolutely sure there is a mine of wisdom gold,knowledge and awareness diamonds. The capacity to disconnect only becomes possible with a whole lot of meditation and an intensive relaxing sessions daily training. The wonderful hollow state creates the basic peaceful receptive minimal commodity senses flow ready to switch from material reality to cosmic awareness. That should enable the artist to start exploring the high standards of global understanding,that supreme level of cognition where little or nothing can affect us directly anymore and most importantly,where little or nothing has the power to interfere negatively with our integrity,identity,interior life,emotional energy and thought. As far as we are able to detect and thereby to report,Pessoa is well aware of the big challenge ahead,aware of the high level of interior power,Genesis comfort,well-being and top emotional intelligence activity he is indeed fully determined to accomplish once and for all,no matter what's at stake and how intensive and time-taking this self-improvement odyssey might turn out to be,for he certainly has by now the strong prognostic to foresee the coming up soon rewarding effects and consequently the glorious and fulfilling achievement of receiving the supreme gift of Mind's absolute control mastery. Based on Antonio Pessoa's latest phone reports,he is unquestionably convinced that absolute body relaxation focusing on the muscles is the first step to Mind's liberation.As the areas of tension that remain begin to surrender to the soothing waves of stress cleansing,Mind and body become a cool mood togetherness whole,slowly becoming more and more receptive to the subconscious enlightenment transmission,that powerful spiritual energy bringing awakening and supreme light,aiming for the so urgent and valuable Universal Awareness! However,despite all the basic essentials Antonio Pessoa has to go through in order to become a master manager of the Mind's mysteries research and absolute commander,the subconscious night show must go on everytime the sun falls down all around him and the night surrounds him in a blanket of starlight...The Temple of Wisdom must open its doors and windows so the artist may at least hear the enlightening whispers of the Knowledge Angels.Soon will be the day the artist is going to gloriously enter the community club for Higher Level Awareness.The place for spiritual counseling in the after midnight express the fine art wizard takes before he falls asleep. Golden stairs to the subconscious Mind magical castle,and the art studio veteran by now should be able to handle wisely the ultimate effort he has to put into climbing the one thousand and one steps to claim all the inner power which legitemately belongs to Him! Something like the "Pinball Wizard" song,performed by the english band The Who,however not quite so,fine art wizard Antonio Pessoa comes up with Intuition,acrylic on canvas,2007,expressing a perspective of what talent in real life is all about. When a lukewarm action leading role isn't definitely an option in the world we live in,whatsoever,particularly if one is facing overwhelming challenges plus a continuous and peculiar on-going urgent demands from art dealers and art collecters,moreover with no immediate alternative to,shall we say,reduce daily-weekly professional priorities...Intuition at its highest top level comes up as an absolutely required science.Fact. Always literally punctual and wisely convenient about his latest artworks as a systematic direct reaction method in which is extremely skillfully and witty published under art expression articles,a positive attitude and a very well situated response towards smiling happy or earthquake-prone circumstances plus unexpected heart trembling feedbacks,Pessoa's special sharp interpretation of the global time frame allows him to use contemporary art as a reliable reflector of his well focused observing opinion,emotional waves and general perception.That's what art nowadays is all about...or must I least it should be. So,once again,everything seems to make perfect sense concerning the artist's truthful grown-up posture which is a breath of fresh air in today's overstocked propaganda-oriented racing emerging academic artists miscellaneous ways to cash off any local art scene,the best way they know how. Antonio Pessoa's personal success reports a substantial cool as cool can be sort of wholesome contemplative profile connected to the world by playing juggling balls with faqs and answers,playing by the rules but most importantly playing by Intuition. Personal News travel fast,therefore Pessoa is the first one to become aware that the most reliable source to come up with an accurate statistical measurement of his own Intuition amperage,is actually himself. So no wonder we are now able to have the visual and emotional privilege of here and now stand before a charming painting titled Intuition. Antonio Pessoa's 2007 artworks definitely show us a man,an artist going through an exciting and prodigious period of self-discovery,Mind research and emotional improvement. This instinctive knowing without the use of special resoning processes,still a rare gift possessed by only a few,is well explicit in this artwork on canvas,apart from its abstract quality the concept's fingerprints are all over the art space,a mirror reflecting and reporting this fascinating inner guidance tool,Pessoa and his higher self sharing with all of us his field of new found information beyond the bounds of space and time and consequently getting back to the heart of the public as he moves out of static coherence in order to increase the unfoldment of Intuition. Anyway,Intuition,the painting and all its meaningful symbolic abstract neo-surrealistic content is after all a part of Antonio Pessoa's current concept named FREE. This reference identified and directly related to the artist's contemporary art expression evolution,which is by itself the communicating mirror of great inner personal achievements,a unique experience profile conducting his qualities and skills towards such a magnificent supreme level of steadfast self- improvement,right now still too premature to predict the extent of this challenging mission and the outcome general effects of this daring remarkable emotional attitude plus odyssey. As for right now,that's the big thrill and the spicy mystery,for not even Pessoa is able to actually realize beforehand just how long it's going to take for him to accomplish a reasonable high degree of this fascinating dream,nor is he still able to foresee the depth level at stake let alone the probable wonderful possibilities,fulfilling and rewarding consequences of all this self-psychotherapy chemistry. The general perspective is obviously excellent and on the whole and most importantly,sure thing Antonio Pessoa's Intuition is bound to lead him safe and sound to the sunny place he profoundly feels and deeply believes he belongs to.Freedom! However...hold your horses,Ladies and Gentlemen,not quite so fast.Great goals take time to accomplish and overcoming life's adversities one by one takes a great deal of energy accompanied with a whole lot of patience and resistance. As the artist practises self-control he approximates more and more to this magical inward kingdom,and is less and less swayed by passion and grief,pleasure and pain, and lives a steadfast and virtuous life,manifesting manly strength and fortitude,in art performance,personal life,professional commitments and public communication. Freedom bound,Pessoa's determination keeps looking forward to the coming up soon Free at last happy ending. In the meantime,positive artistic suggestions such as Intuition,in art expression and real life timing,are always mostly welcome,both for the public's eyes delight and the artist's Conquest of his personal Glory. Just a short simple word.FREE! However what's at stake is a lengthwise dimension wonderful something,mysterious but bright,unpredictable but rock-steady. Just like Antonio Pessoa's fine art performances,art scene disappearances and Symphonic Orquestra soundtracked public comebacks.

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